• slide_01_


    nella scuola di arti marziali e kick boxing

    mixed martial art

    Flank buffalo turducken tongue cow. Chuck pancetta tongue.

  • slide_02_

    Every great

    Journey starts with

    one Step!

    Tri-tip pork belly shankle frankfurter jowl, strip steak.

  • slide_03_

    Building Stronger

    Minds & Bodies

    Since 1986.

    Hamburger short loin turducken pastra alcatra sirloin pork belly,

Season Street 45/2
Los angeles, Inc - 4502
orario lezioni
daily: 9am - 8pm

la scuola mixed martial art

Fight School has specialized in martial arts since 1986 and has one of the most innovative programs in the nation.

We teach martial arts because we love it — not because we want to make money on you. Unlike other martial arts schools, we do not require you to sign long term contracts. You just pay one low monthly fee for your martial arts and self defense classes at the beginning of each month. Many martial arts… Read more

Massimo Persia

Maestro / Instructor

nostri corsi

What clients say

nostri istruttori

prenota una lezione di prova

    Sparring / FAQ

    Not at all. You’ll find that our classes for beginners are the perfect way to build up your overall fitness level regardless of your physical condition. Good luck!
    Shoulder jerky biltong short ribs. Meatball beef pancetta ball tip cow turkey corned beef strip steak flank meatloaf cupim. Burgdoggen pork chop t-bone andouille drumstick.
    Shoulder jerky biltong short ribs. Meatball beef pancetta ball tip cow turkey corned beef strip steak flank meatloaf cupim. Burgdoggen pork chop t-bone andouille drumstick.
    Shoulder jerky biltong short ribs. Meatball beef pancetta ball tip cow turkey corned beef strip steak flank meatloaf cupim. Burgdoggen pork chop t-bone andouille drumstick.

    ultime news

    Call us 24/7
    Season Street 45/2
    Via A. Ponchielli, Avezzano AQ
    Working Hours
    daily: 9am - 8pm
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